Thursday, 8 August 2013

The New Office

The Dilbert cartoon from 3rd August 2013

Practical Advice for the Forthcoming Zombie Apocalypse

I'm not really a big fan of Quora. While there are some sources of information that I have been very impressed with, e.g. Tim O'Neill, it seems to me that most of posts are simply excuses for sub-Reddit grade sophomoronic students to pose as experts.

However, occasionally one does run across a nugget, and I did come across this post which seems very knowledgeable on the practical matters of taking on zombies.

The Dangers of Enforcing an Academic Integrity Policy

This report from the Daily Telegraph via Mike Flynn's blog

Riot after Chinese teachers try to stop pupils cheating.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Ought - Is

After the apocalyptic excitement of the past few days, I thought I would try to do something a bit more serious and compile some references on the ought - is distinction. Since Brandon Watson seems to be the go-to guy for this in the blogs that I read, I thought I would start with his blog, Siris.

I'm sure I've missed some but that will keep me going for a while.

Friday, 2 August 2013

And then a Funny Thing Happened....

Hat-tip to Daniel for the photos and videos.

The new office has become infested with flies:

and so have the desks

and the lights

but the best thing is the set of videos

Clearly there is only one explanation.

“This is what the LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies upon you and your officials, on your people and into your houses. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies, and even the ground where they are.”
— Exodus 8:20–21

This is not going to end well!

Oh Brave New University that has such laminated furniture in it!

So from my old office, I have now moved into my new university call-centre-themed accommodation.

This is my new "workspace". The paper on the monitor finishes by saying "You will find a copy of the current evacuation plan attached to this welcome note".

 This is it now I've made it all homely.

For storage, I get this:
and that's about it.